Boat trip around Ilha Grande

Whilst in Rio we booked a boat trip to Ilha Grande which translates to Big Island. We left the guest house at 10am and took a minibus into the town of Angra dos Reis about 40 minutes from where we are staying in Frade. We were due to depart at 11am but didn’t actually leave until 12; everything in Brazil seems to run an hour later than expected!

When finally on the boat and after a good dosage of Kwells we sailed out to a tiny island with just a beach and a mini tropical rainforest in the centre. We all jumped off the boat into the crystal clear water and had a swim and a look around. We stayed on the island for about 30 minutes then jumped back on the boat and headed towards Ilha Grande.

We stopped off at a place called the Blue Lagoon but it was a bit windy so we had to keep going and stop somewhere else. Our last stop was for lunch where we enjoyed a buffet of traditional Brazilian food including rice, beans, fish and salad, we also sat on the beach for about half hour and enjoyed the sunshine. The island looked like something out of Jurassic Park, so green and lush, like a tropical paradise. I think Brazil has surprised all of us; it is as beautiful as the Caribbean islands and is so different to anywhere we have been before, some parts of it look like we are on another planet!












  1. All sounds remarkable. I watched on u- tube the Hangliding. Looks awesome. Did Steven forget to take a razor with him!!! He will have a white face when he eventually shaves. Arsenal did well in champions leagues – !!!!!!!
    Look forward to the next update.

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